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Application Development

Learn which tools Lunavi Software Delivery teams use to create, test, and deliver software solutions that solve your business challenges and introduce new, innovative ways to use technology throughout your operations.
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Application Development

Learn which tools Lunavi Software Delivery teams use to create, test, and deliver software solutions that solve your business challenges and introduce new, innovative ways to use technology throughout your operations.
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Azure Cloud Native App Development

Lunavi creates and delivers software and technology solutions in a better way. To accomplish our goals of helping your business innovate, increase efficiency, and create new revenue, we leverage tools like Azure DevOps, .NET Core, Angular, React, and Visual Studio—but we also identify or adopt the right technology for your individual project and processes. If you have an established platform, we're happy to work with you.

Lunavi Software Delivery Teams Provide:

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Code Authorship & Management

Lunavi writes and manages code through Visual Studio, Resharper, Git, and Azure DevOps.

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Web Development

Our web development stack involves Angular, React, ASP.NET Core and Web, and SignalR.

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Mobile Development

For native mobile development, we use React Native, Xamarin, and Visual Studio App Center.

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Software Testing

Our testing and QA process leans on Selenium, Appium, TestArchitect, Postman, and more.

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Cloud App Development

We build and integrate cloud apps using Azure platforms, databases, and serverless functions.

Code Authorship & Management

Lunavi writes and manages code through Visual Studio, Resharper, Git, and Azure DevOps.

Web Development

Our web development stack involves Angular, React, ASP.NET Core and Web, and SignalR.

Mobile Development

For native mobile development, we use React Native, Xamarin, and Visual Studio App Center.

Software Testing

Our testing and QA process leans on Selenium, Appium, TestArchitect, Postman, and more.

Cloud App Development

We build and integrate cloud apps using Azure platforms, databases, and serverless functions.

software delivery team member from lunavi smiling as he works on application development
End-to-End cloud Solutions

Azure Development & Infrastructure

Our consultants and engineers handle everything from software portfolio management to Azure subscription maintenance, so you know your apps are built right and running on optimized, high-performance cloud platforms.
  • Deep Microsoft and Azure platform expertise for end-to-end development and system architecture solutions
  • Next-gen technology like App Services, Serverless Functions, Azure Automation, and Cosmos DB enable efficiency gains and continuous improvement
  • Integrated DevOps enablement and processes
See Our Azure Expertise

Development Tools with Intent

Our core development platforms deliver innovative software solutions with quality built in.
While our primary tools are proven for many use cases, we recognize they may not be a fit for every client.

Lunavi software delivery teams can adapt to your choice of platforms and languages. Whether we run on your stack or ours, the DevOps processes we wrap around development tools translate to business agility and new technology capabilities.

Our Core Application Development Tools

To facilitate Agile software development and Continuous Improvement/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Lunavi has developed skills, roles, processes, and general expertise around numerous platforms and services. If you use a different platform than us, chances are we have experience and are ready and willing to work within your environment as needed.

However, our core development typically uses the following:

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps offers a cloud-integrated platform for our Delivery Teams to collaborate on the complete software delivery cycle, from coding and versioning to testing and system architecture. It includes agile and CI/CD specific tools and workflows to facilitate Agile DevOps and Kanban methods for rapid software delivery.

.NET Core

.NET Core is a cross-platform version of the classic open-source .NET framework for software design. Lunavi leverages various .NET products throughout our mobile, web, and desktop application development, and .NET Core is particularly useful for building websites, services, and console applications.


Angular is a typescript-based open-source web application framework originally developed by Google. We use it to develop interactive, dynamic single page applications, thanks to its easy to use components and templates which further streamline our development process.


React is an open-source JavaScript library that Lunavi uses as a development base for user interface (UI) components of single-page web or mobile applications. Using React we can quickly create interactive, dynamic UIs with reusable components.

Azure Cloud Native Apps

Using Azure App Service, Visual Studio, and the full capabilities of the Azure suite of PaaS and IaaS capabilities, Lunavi develops web and mobile applications that are native to the Azure platform. We can deploy your apps directly as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) or within containers that are highly mobile and easy to manage and automate. Azure App Service supports a wide range of popular coding languages including .NET and Node.js, both of which are commonly used at Lunavi.

Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment that Lunavi uses for traditional applications as well as web development, web services, and mobile applications. It can be used with a variety of programming languages, integrates with Azure and Git, and offers code editing, refactoring, debugging, and GUI designer features.

Due to their Agile work fashion and transparency, they did not miss one deadline or request, and our system build was on time, on budget and delivered more than we could have asked for.
Susan Beaton, VP Provider Services, Care Management

The Lunavi Difference

Invested In You

We treat every client engagement as a long-term partnership, seeking to build resilient and innovative solutions that have a real impact.

confident IT service delivery manager
Top-Tier Service

From a hands-on discovery and solution architecture process to our industry-leading 15-minute (or less) response time guarantee, we're here for you.